Today was disappointing for everybody except sailors who wanted to put some extra time in at the bar this week. After a 2.5-hour postponement due to heavy breeze, the fleet went out, sailed around for a while, and then came back in. No starts, no finishes, on the dock by 2 pm.
We were absolutely shocked this morning when we found out about the postponement. Take a look from our perspective…last year was our first time at Key West Race Week and the conditions were pretty tame.
All of the visual media and–for lack of a better word–folklore surrounding Key West Race Week portrays epic conditions. Stories from ’06 are still circulating in the tent where on Sunday a video of ’06 racing was playing, not ’07. We thought these were the conditions everybody lived for, but it was just a few too many knots above that level.
The weather report looks fair with a chance for another good day or two and if everybody had broken their gear today who would we have photographed for the rest of the week?
See our shots from today and yesterday here: