54 J24s battled for the 2008 J24 National Championship this past weekend on the waters between Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Sandy Hook, NJ. What a weekend of weather! Friday brought rain pretty much all day long and increasing wind that was knocking down J24s left and right by the second race. Saturday’s sun would have given racers a chance to dry out their foul weather gear except that building conditions and big seas made for a wet ride by the end of the day. But who’s complaining…we’re always greatful for big breeze. Sunday started out slow and sunny, but a few hours later brought wind and pouring rain. Gotta love the spring in New England. No really, we do. Consistent rain is an enemy to our cameras but at least there was breeze and we still came away with a bunch of great shots and working cameras.
Twins and the Z sails crew (pictured, bow 10) defended their title with a solid performance again this year. For the complete results and other info about the event, held at Richmond County Yacht Club on Staten Island, go to http://www.j24nationals2008.com/ .
See the rest of the good, bad and ugly in the PhotoBoat.com J24 Nationals 2008 gallery. http://thephotoboat.com/J24_Nationals_2008_Photos.html