The 2009 Governor’s Cup start was very dynamic this year, with a lot of weather changes on the heals of a day of thunderstorms. The skies cleared just in time for the start and 15 knots filled in from the North on the heels of the front. It didn’t hold for long, but a steady breeze held long enough for us to chase 100 boats 11 miles and get

some nice shots. The light was constantly changing, and we were lucky enough to have a few moments like this one, where we caught Age of Reason looking good in some nice light. When the last bit of useable light was gone, we took the 11-mile

trip back to Annapolis, packed up our boats, and headed to our dorm room at St. Mary’s college…always fun. The next day’s conditions were light but pretty, and as always, Southern Maryland knows how to party.
We always get a kick out of the photography competition that goes with this event- it’s safe to say that there are more photographers at the Gov Cup than there are at Key West Race Week! Maybe we should enter the photo contest…